Delta Smelt Research Paper

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Living in the Central Valley, a much debated topic of conversation has been the Delta Smelt. Because of where the species lives, it has caused a lot of controversy for everyone from government officials, farmers, and average citizens. Whether or not to save the Delta Smelt has been part of a heated controversy for years, but often times political agendas overshadow scientific data. Currently, the Delta Smelt is classified as “threatened” by the United States government. By looking at the science behind the situation, I believe it is best to try to save the Delta Smelt. The Delta Smelt lives mainly in California’s San Francisco Bay Delta. It can grow to be only 7 cm. long and lives towards the bottom of the food chain. Serving as an important food source for the other fish in the delta, the smelt is also helpful for scientists as an ecological indicator. Ecologists have used the smelt to measure how healthy the delta ecosystem …show more content…

The environmental risks of saving the fish are often the most debated part of the issue because it affects farming communities. How does this effect the water? How does this affect the people who live in California? The smelt have no negative effect on the water they live in. Because they are native, they only serve a positive purpose as part of the food chain. Closer to home in our very own San Joaquin River, experts at the River Center are working to save the Delta Smelt by educating the masses. Because the river runs from the mountains to the San Francisco Bay, the smelt are native to the valley. Up the road at UC Davis, specialists have been raising and caring for a population of smelt to protect against extinction. It is currently the only place in the United States that reproduces and raises the smelt through ought their whole life cycle. Their goal is to maintain the smelt until the delta conditions improve enough for the fish to survive out of

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