Delayed Dreams

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Everyone has dreams, no matter if they deny it or not. No one in the world has absolutely nothing they wish to do with their lives; we all want to accomplish something in the future. Dreams can range anywhere from flying to the moon to simply having a child! What dreams you have depends on what kind of person you are and what you like. Although sometimes, we start to conclude that we’ll never reach our goals or achieve our ambitions. So what happens to these dreams that get put aside? In “Dream Deferred,” you can propose many answers to the question, “What happens to a dream deferred?”

First of all, in “Dream Deferred,” you can say that the dream is put off and brought back at a later time, when it is more suitable for the occasion. This is a logical conclusion because some people want to reach goals, but it naturally isn’t the right time! This mostly relates to the line, “Or crust and sugar over--/Like a syrupy sweet?” (Page 620, line 8). It relates because when something sweet is put aside, it gets a little affected, until you handle it. Therefore, the person will push t...

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