Degenerate Art Essay

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Germany was left in a completely ruined state after World War I. Germans were completely shocked by their defeat and it was very hard for them to accept that their armies had lost the war in 1918. Generals even declared they weren’t really defeated but they had been “stabbed in the in back” by liberals, socialists, communists and Jews (Winks and Adams, 135). The Treaty of Versailles left Germans with the complete burden of the war. They were obligated to sign to treaty that held them solely responsible for war ( Winks and Adams, 136). This left Germany with the full financial burden of the war, which led them into a deep depression. Asides from financial burden, this, “ led many Germans to devote their energies to denying war guilt, to attack The degenerate arts were also linked to the “degenerate” people or people with deformities. A painting from Paul Schultze-Naumberg in 1928 illustrates this principle. The degenerate arts are linked side by side with “degenerate” people (Slide show 4, October 21 2015). As seen in the regulations imposed to control these arts were set forth to control all public forums and thus inhibiting the development of contrary ideas to the Nazi ideology (Petropoulos, In the eradicating hate exhibition there were several artifacts of propaganda that promoted the anti-sematic views. One example of this is the traveling anti-Semitic propaganda exhibition title Der ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew). It opened in Munich on November 8, 1937. In this exhibit the Jews were portrayed as moral degenerates with their pictures distorted in posters and post cards. In general, Germany’s defeat and feelings of failure led to the creation of the Third Reich. The Third Reich had a clear ideology: to promote eliminate Jews and the degenerate, promote German unity, and improve Germany’s state in general. These ideas were clearly promoted through different methods of propaganda and cultural policy like art, museums, film, and posters promoting their

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