Deforestation In Canada

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Overfishing and deforestation are both major global issues that have contributed to the destruction of our planet. The two industries, fishing and forestry, are large providers of Canada’s economy. However, it’s been getting out of hand and these industries have been abused unsustainably.
Deforestation is responsible for a handful of environmental issues. In fact, 21.4% of the world’s forests were degraded within the course of 13 years in Canada. (Tencer, D. “Canada The World Leader In Deforestation”) One method called ‘clearcutting’ is the most responsible for this. Clearcutting is the process of completely clearing/taking out all the trees in a given area. (Speis, A. “Forestry” Managing Canada’s Resources …show more content…

Once an area is stripped of its trees, the species that live there are basically homeless. Many animals use trees as not only a home, but also a food supply. However, that’s only if those animals can live in such an environment. With only some specific animals now living in that area, the biodiversity of that area has decreased. In addition to the lack of biodiversity, there are also higher levels of greenhouse gases which leads to global warming. Since all these trees are getting cut all at once, these big machines are needed to do so. The machinery like any other vehicle will produce pollution that enters our atmosphere. But how can we prevent the rapid rate of trees being cut down? As global citizens, we can use GOOS paper and recycle our paper products that are no longer in use. Heading out and planting trees to close that large number of cut down trees would be a good idea as well. (Savedge, J. “5 Ways to Stop Deforestation”) Purchasing recycled products …show more content…

Over the years, Canada has been created more and more pollution. Yes, the obvious answer would be because of our growing population. But it’s also due to the fact that we’ve become more and more dependant on vehicles. Air pollution specifically in Canada has gotten to a certain point where it’s now considered dangerous. Canada’s air pollution is accountable for an estimate of about 21 000 premature deaths and 620 000 doctor visits in a single year. ( Decreasing the amount of air pollution we create is very doable. We can limit our driving time by carpooling with others, walking to closer places, biking, or by using public transit. Purchasing energy efficient devices and alliances will certainly keep the amount of air pollution down too. Examples would be fluorescent light bulbs, efficient dishwashers, washing machines, dryers, refrigerators and many more. On the other hand, air pollution isn’t the only pollution we’re responsible for. Littering and water pollution are also considered serious issues too. There are three different types of pollution that ends up in our waters. Physical, biological, and chemical pollution all affect our waters negatively. Physical pollution would actually just be litter/garbage in the water. Biological pollution occurs when bacteria and viruses enter our bodies of water

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