Definition Of Stress

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Definition of stress:
Stress is an ubiquitous term, with no collectively accepted definition. Stress earliest meanings included ‘hardship, straits, adversity, affliction’ as well as the process of using force or pressure on another. Hans Selye (1956), a Canadian endocrinologist defined stress as the non-specific response of the body to any demand, while others defined stress as the mental or physical reaction which arises when there is a perceived imbalance between the demands placed on a person, on one hand, and their abilities and the support available to them on the other hand.
Both over and under-demand can be stressful. Stress is also defined as any physical or psychological event that has a potential threat to physical or emotional well-being of an individual. Another definition of …show more content…

Stress can be described as feeling of tense, overwhelmed or under pressure. Stress can happen to anyone and there are many possible sources of stress. One of the sources of stress to students is because of their concerns towards their academic performance. Most new college students experience stress when they realize that their courses are much more demanding and fast paced than were their high school classes. Even some students may experience a great deal of stress when they are too much pressurized to achieve the grade goals that they have set for themselves or that their families may expect them to achieve. Next, stress can also happen due to changes of lifestyle for college students. Many students feel stressful in order to organize their life to be balance between work, home and college responsibilities. Some students may find that after they had completed all their class assignments, there is little times left for their family or themselves. At times, this leads to conflict and may result in even more

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