Definition Of Love Essay

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How would you define love? As we all know, love is an extreme feeling of deep affection. One of the article in “Life today” February issue talks about love. When someone falls in love, it is something that he or she cannot control. That person goes through their mind all day and they can’t help themselves because they are attracted to that person. They enjoy being in love and being loved back in return. Their love towards other people is based on attractions. Human love has their ideals; they tend to accept others love because someone is capable of fulfilling his or her needs. But what if one day those attractions are gone, then someone will try to withdraw from the person whom they have offered their love. That’s why we should not just consider someone whom …show more content…

Human love is connected with suffering because you are attached to someone and not all of them might reciprocate your feelings. It has many conditions and it is limited because it is reserved for your loved ones. In human love, there is also demand and expectation.
A deep affection happens not only towards the opposite sex but also to our family, friends and most of all to God. Loving someone is to put others needs before yours. It is when you are willing to sacrifice anything just to make them happy. It is like God, he would do everything because he loves us without any condition and with all his heart. God’s love is given freely, and it doesn’t need anything in return. It doesn’t hurt people’s heart and make sure he helps them to surpass all those heartaches. In divine love, there is no such thing as demand or expectation. We just give anything we have without expecting anything in return. Divine love doesn’t need attractions, no one will ever get hurt, and no one will experience rejection because God doesn’t reject his people. It is unconditionally and it is not reserve for a particular number of people. In divine love, we do not mind if others might not accept the

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