Definition Essay: What Is Subjective Truth?

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Unit I Exam Extra Credit Truth is described an ontological, which is a fancy way of saying it is the way things really are. This means truth is proven facts that have been proven through science and reason. The Truth is recognized when mind and reality meet, when our head agrees with reality that is truth. Our love always holds truth. Jesus told us, “If anyone hears truth, they hear my voice, those who witness truth, witness me.” Truth cannot be adequately explained, recognized, understood, or defined without God as the source. Since He alone is eternal and self-existent and He alone is the Creator of all else, He is the fountain of all truth. If truth didn’t involve God you wouldn’t be able to fully explain it without God because when you ponder the essence of truth, you realize that the requirement for truth is that the universal must me absolute, which is the eternal reality of God. …show more content…

Objective truth is the first form which is a statement made of something that exists outside of me. This truth is a statement that is always true. When something is objectively true, it’s true whether or not we know it, like it, or believe it. The discovery and proof of 1+1=2 is true whether or not I know it, I agree with it, or believe in it. Subjective truth is the second form in which it is a statement we make about ourselves that is dependent for its validity. These statements are true for the person making the statement, even though it may not be agreed with other people around them. An example of subjective truth is a person my say, “It is freezing in here.” This may be true for the person saying it, but people around them might feel that it is hot. Christianity has always recognized that religious and moral truth belongs to objective

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