Definition Essay: The Existence Of Miracles

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God has made the universe so vast. The energy we have on earth is only one billionth the amount of energy that comes from our sun. Everybody has been struck by the awesome beauty of a lightening storm and the distinctively fresh air that comes after the passing of a summer’s rain. All sensory wonders. I love what Job 12:10 says; “But ask the animals what they think—let them teach you; let the birds tell you what’s going on. Put your ear to the earth—learn the basics. Listen—the fish in the ocean will tell you their stories. Isn’t it clear that they all know and agree that God is sovereign, that he holds all things in his hand—Every living soul, yes, every breathing creature? Isn’t this all just common sense, as common as the sense of taste? Do you think the elderly have a corner on wisdom, that you have to grow old before you understand life?”* - Job 12:10-12 (MSG)

These and other examples leave me with the belief that miracles …show more content…

Are life’s miracles limited to the realm of the natural alone? Is there a spiritual element involved as well? Life in the Spirit is not bound to the realm of the spiritual. The division between spiritual and natural is contrived. Usually by people who nervously pigeon-hole faith apart from fact. The best way to maintain this holy union is to see that God is not separate from His natural creation. He is intimately interested and invested in it. When we concentrate on this beautiful consequence we open our hearts to the possibility of miracles.

When we choose to centre on God, we no longer find ourselves grasping at the idea that God, who created this life to be enjoyed, is also moving through everything. He holds all things together by the word of His power.* We begin to notice how He is always touching our lives. We suddenly become aware of the fingerprint of His presence in all sorts of strange situations. Begging the question; what if God wanted to include me in one of His mysterious and miraculous

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