Definition Essay Reality

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Reality can just be plain rude sometimes, it always there when you don’t want to it most. It's like when someone passes away knock knock who's there reality. It just sucks sometimes especially when you don't need it most. We all sadly know the feeling of reality because we live it everyday and a lot of times it just sucks overall. It's like when my grandma passed away yeah it is sad and stuff but at the end of the day it's reality and sometimes you wonder why it even exist. We all at one time or another wish it didn't exist but sometimes it can be good like going on roller coasters, talking to friends, hanging out with people. It can just be plain out stupid and good at random times. Reality doesn't care who you are if it doesn't like you, …show more content…

Some synonyms of reality are existence, matter, phenomenon, real world, realism, and truth. Another definition of reality is “The world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them”. This definition comes from wikipedia.
Without reality we wouldn't really have much reality is really everything it's when you're having fun, being sad, having faith in something reality brings us some of those things. Reality can be extremely negative. It's like sometimes you just feel like it's attacking you and there's nothing you can do about it. Although reality is good and bad and we don't really want it sometimes it's going to stay here. For as long as there's people there will still be that good and bad reality.
Reality to me personally is like say someone passes away you kinda just think to yourself reality sucks. People come and people go for no reason at all and there not much you can do about it aswell thanks reality. Reality is there when you don’t want it most like when you break a bone or something news flash it's not like movies or anything where it heals in 3 seconds nope it takes much longer and sadly that just good old reality for you. But reality is not all bad I mean if it wasn’t for reality we wouldn’t have fun on roller coasters, have fun with friends, you couldn’t go to the movie theater or do anything fun that you

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