Definition Essay On What Makes A Good Person

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Genuine goodness is something drawn from the heart, the soul of a person. The authentic goodness is shown in actions, more than pretty words. When we live a life of authenticity, our spirits soar and we give flight to those around us. Defining a "genuinely" good person and assessing what characteristics are representative of a good person is a bit different. Some people have a few characteristics that depict a good person, but may have characteristics that overshadow the good. A person may give you the shirt off their back, but turn around and rob a bank. A genuinely good person stands firm by the definition of good, in public as well as private. They are consistent in character. They are real. Authenticity Authenticity is the litmus test for defining a truly good person. A person who goes through life wearing masks, being deceptive, but …show more content…

It extends from the heart to others and offers empathy, support and understanding. A compassionate person feels the other's pain as if it were their own. They are willing to reach out and offer comfort. They are the type that won't mind if you call at 2am if you need a shoulder to cry on. Kindness A good person is filled with kindness. They plant seeds that help others thrive. The kind person offers of themselves to others. They don't wait until a catastrophe strikes, but practice kindness in everyday life. They recognize needs in others without having to be asked to step in and help. Their conscience doesn't allow them to neglect others. They don't just help within their comfort zone, but are willing to make sacrifices. Forgiving Forgiveness is a characteristic of a good person. They let go of resentment, the anger and bitterness. They don't allow toxins to overshadow joy in their lives and the joy they can offer to others. They unfold a loving heart without seeking revenge. They aren't a door mat to be walked on, but realize we all make mistakes.

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