Definition Essay On Wellness

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Wellness can be defined in many different ways. One of my favorite definitions is from the National Wellness Institute that states that wellness is “an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence” (NWI). I like this definition because it encompasses more aspects of wellness than just the physical aspect that people generally think of first. The other important aspects of wellness are stated by the University of California, Riverside. They include seven aspect of wellness: social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, occupational, intellectual, and physical (UCR). All of these are important to being a well-rounded and over all healthy person. In order to achieve wellness in …show more content…

One problem emotionally that I have is that in the past is that I have struggled with low self-esteem. During middle school and my first two years of high school, I had a problem with low self-esteem. My 7th grade year, one of my best friends bullied me and turned all of my other friends against me. For about 2 months, I had no friends. It took a while to build trust again with those friends, but eventually we managed to make things right. Ever since then, I’ve had a hard time with knowing if my friends really are my friends. Now, I have worked really hard to build my self-esteem back up. It is a lot better now than it was back then, but it’s something that I want to continue to work on. One goal to achieving better self-esteem is to everyday reward myself for something that is positive in my life. Whether it’s that I did well on an exam, I talked with a friend or family member, or I simply like the outfit that I’m wearing, I should celebrate just a little on those small victories. Thinking about one positive thing in my day makes the day as a whole seem much better. I can create a SMART goal by writing down one positive thing every day, no matter how small, in a notebook for the next month. Then at the end of the month, I’ll go back and reflect on all of the small positive moments. If this is successful, I will try again for the next month. This goal is a good way to boost my self-esteem and create a more positive …show more content…

I come from a very Lutheran family where by grandmother is the church organist and my father is on the church counsel. Personally, I have felt disconnected with my church because they don’t cater their services to young adults. In my home church, I sang at a few services with the worship band, which has since been cut from the church. My spiritual goal is to find a new church that is more directed at a younger, more contemporary crowd and to get involved. I loved singing with the band and would like to be a part of one at a new church. My SMART goal is to try go to a new church that is directed to college students every Sunday until I find one that I like and try to be involved in music there. This goal will help me to reconnect with the church and to be more involved with the people that share the same faith and love for music that I

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