Definition Essay On Unconditional Love

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Love is one of the most powerful and popular words in the world. People sing about love, read about love, and stress about love. It’s a phenomenon that has been obsessed about throughout the ages. Whether it’s giving love or receiving love we have all encountered it at some point in life. It’s one thing that links us as human beings. Everyone’s experience and meaning of love differs. Some welcome it while others resist it. It is a simple four letter word, but defining love is so much more than what’s printed in the dictionary. According to Oxford Dictionaries, love can be defined as “an intense feeling of deep affection.” Love can be impersonal (loving an object) or interpersonal (loving a human being). Both impersonal and interpersonal love means you have some type of attachment. For example, you love your grandma and her famous …show more content…

Unconditional love can be described as “given freely” while conditional love is “earned”. Which leads us to the question, is conditional love really love? When we truly love someone you love them for everything they are which includes their flaws. Unconditional love is essentially loving no matter what. When we put conditions on love it’s like saying I love you as long as you live up to my expectations. You have to prove yourself to be worthy of my affections. Putting conditions on love means someone has to seek your approval. Approval and love are not the same thing. Love is not a light switch it can’t just be turned off and on. Yes we have certain expectations for individuals. Parents expect children to behave and get good grades. Spouses expect on another to remain faithful. Friends expect one another to be secret keepers. Being human beings we often fall short. When they do fall short you often find yourself still loving that person because it’s unconditional. You might be disappointed, sometimes you might even call it quits, but more often than not the love still

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