Definition Essay On Poverty

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Poverty is defined as the state of being extremely poor, poor is defined as lacking sufficient money to live at a standard considered comfortable or normal in a society. Almost in the same way the health industry measures our body health by the standard BMI, society measures our wealth by how much money we have in our account and assets we may have. In a world where so many measure successes by these things and other superficial goals one can see why some may focus a good portion of their energy trying not to be “poor”. One important factor is everyone’s view on what poverty looks and feels like may be different according to their environment, thought process, and life experiences. “Defining and measuring poverty, absolute poverty refers …show more content…

In the economical standard if we one does not have enough money to pay their bills each month, having a savings, and have some leisure money than one is poor. Many individuals may also feel the same way. “If you have a roof over your head; access to clean water, toilets, and medical care; and enough to eat, you are not absolutely poor” (Knox. D. Mooney. A. L. Schacht. C. pp. 179). Focusing on what we do not have rather then what we do can interfere with our thought process in viewing ourselves as poor or not. This along with our life experiences influence our definition of …show more content…

This is not the situation for everyone, there are those who never come out of their financial struggles, and those who were born in money. Each of these life experiences will influence our thought process on how we view poverty and or the poor. All these factors and so many others have influenced our view on poverty, and why it is a social problem, especially for society in a whole, were everyone’s contributions to society or not affects the

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