Definition Essay On Happiness

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We all can tell a story on something or someone that made us happy. It can occur in our childhood or adulthood, but as long as it’s a happy feeling it works. Happiness is life, without happiness you can’t do all the things you wished or lounge to do while being sad or depressed. According to an author named Aristotle (aim of man) “A thing is best understood by looking at its end, purpose, or goal”, is the key to being happy and full of life. First you have to find your life and knowledge to determine your happiness.
Every inquiry, masterpiece and kind gesture can be considered and aimed towards some good. It’s also been said that the good is at which everything aims, the difference is observable among the aims or ends. What is aimed is sometimes …show more content…

Things that are more noble and handicraft can be various and uncertain, that some think these are merely conventional and not natural distinctions. The good is in happiness that’s shows all knowledge and purpose to aim at most good, which we say is the aim of statecraft; or, in other words what is the highest of all realizable goods when you find that happiness? (Aim of man)Most people say they think it’s safe to start from what is known best to the individual then starting foreign and unprepared. Some say starting new and unprepared is better due to training on studying new ways to account for this …show more content…

Many was with my family and some were just being in a happy place in my life and reaching my short term goals. Life is full of surprises and I always try to see the good side of a situation then the bad so I can feel less stressed or upset. Everyone in the world can have an agreement with Aristotle view on happiness, because to have love, you have to go through sacrifices of all kind. Sacrifices can be as simple as waking up earlier to make it on time for work, or as hard as paying a main priority electric bill, instead of a necessity bill like your cable. Happiness come from your soul and without it can make life extremely difficult. I personally believe happiness is the key to success and how you live your life and days through the good instead of the

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