Definition Essay On Being Old

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Each and every day, about 360,000 babies are born while about another 150,000 people die. From the moment we are born until the moment of our death, we are aging. This idea may be the reason for our usage of the term “old” when we describe someone’s age, whether it’s one-day old, 100 years old or anywhere in between. To me, the term “old” does not necessarily describe someone as being of old age. Depending on the context though, “old” can be used to describe someone who is above a certain age, someone who is beginning to lose their memory or even someone who has gray hair. In our daily lives, we may only think that we coin the word old by identifying an “old man” or “old woman”, however we even use the word to describe our own age. Old just …show more content…

Our wisdom will eventually be passed on to our children and our children’s children, until one day we are only a memory, but until then, we are only aging. Becoming older isn’t necessarily a bad thing. While it may mean that we will begin to loss our hair, our eyesight or even our youthful good looks, becoming old also means we become better versions of ourselves each day, which is something that I truly value. As my grandmother has said before, “I may be old, but I don’t feel old and that’s all that matters.” One may be of old age, but that doesn’t mean they need to consider themselves old. Aside from this, we each have our own definition of what old is. In reality, however, we all have a different definition and age in mind of what we consider old to be. As we age our idea of old may continue to …show more content…

Some people act older than they actually are and some people act younger than their age. Age is just a number and while there may be standards of how we should look, act and dress at certain ages, we are not all the same person and therefore will not have the same outcomes as each

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