Definition Essay On Beauty

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Beauty is a word that makes a lot of people self-conscious, but what makes someone or something beautiful? I never paid attention to the meaning of beauty until one day when I looked at a magazine cover that said, “The 50 Most Beautiful People in the World”. Beauty impacts everyone; we are all self-conscious about our looks and quick to judge the looks of others. What qualifies someone to say who is the most beautiful and who is not? There are many cultures with different ideas of what the meaning of beauty is. The definition of beauty differs through different regions throughout the entire world. It is important to understand how the media, culture, and family can influence the meaning of beauty. This essay will demonstrate that the meaning …show more content…

Through many generations people have aspired to become beautiful to the standards they see in their surrounding such as magazines, television, and movies. Beauty has always played an important role in society. Almost everyone has desired or dreamed of achieving beauty they see all over the media. I was asking my friend Rachel Rodriguez (personal communication, Oct 10, 2015) what she though beauty was and she said, “ I believed beauty is commonly known as having clear skin, slim body, big eyes, and a aligned face.” This is an example of how the media has affected in particular women's perspective of the ideal meaning of beauty. Women in general are always reminded how they are not beautiful by commercials or ads saying how they can cover up their imperfections or how they can have the perfect body. Some women go as far by going through plastic surgery or diets pills that can put their lives at risk. Women in America have become so self conscious believing that in order to be beautiful, they must be like the women they see all over the media. In addition, women are not the only ones that are affected by the media. Men are also vulnerable to being influenced. Men in America are commonly told that they are not strong or buff enough. This set of standards is similar to the one women go through. An article in common sense media said, “The pursuit of a perfect body is no longer only a "girl" thing. From padded Halloween superhero costumes that give 5-year-olds six-pack ABS to action movie stars with exaggerated physiques, representations of men in the media have become increasingly muscular and unrealistic.” It is important to discuss the major effects that the media has caused men and women starting at a young age. Beauty is often portrayed as having the perfect body and looks when it is ideally unrealistic. In addition, according to

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