Definition Essay About Football

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Being born and growing up in America, you realize that some things that we do here are way different than what they do on the outside of the country. Nevertheless, there are similarities, but one topic that we can talk about will give you a better understanding of what I am trying to say. The sport of football some even call it America’s pastime. Remembering the days when we would where are Eagles jerseys cheering on Donovan McNabb while eating delicious burgers that my uncle cooked on the grill. I swear those were some of the best days of my life, especially in 2005 when the Eagles came to Jacksonville for the Super Bowl. Even though I was born in America, my mother and grandmother are from Belize. Also, in their culture football is what we …show more content…

In all actuality, that is right in Gridiron Football because a field goal is a way of scoring with your foot. Also in association football which is soccer, to score you have to kick the ball into the goal no hands can be used unless you are the goalie. In both Associations in Gridiron Football teams have more than 15 players, they are both commonly played outside on a grass field and to score you have to kick carry or pass the ball. Also, the one thing that they both truly have in common is off sides which are one of the only rules that restrict the movement of players. However, in both you have to pass, tackle try not to get tackled, catching and kicking. In the NFL the game consists of 4 15 minute quarters with halftime and the end of the second while in FIFA the soccer game is 90 minutes long in half-time is at the 45th Minute …show more content…

According to Wikipedia, the Chinese game called Tsu Chu had been recognized by FIFA as the first version of soccer with standard rules. When I saw that I was surprised because I thought football was first developed in Europe. The rules of soccer that we live by today are based on mid-19th-century efforts to modernize and standardize the many different forms of soccer that were being played in English public schools. For example, the Cambridge rules which were made in 1848 were influential in the devolvement of soccer until the football association in the 1870s started playing by their norms and regulations. In Gridiron Football which was developed in the late 19th century, they distinguish themselves from other types of football by using shoulder pads, helmets and one thing that soccer does not have its free substitutions. The term Gridiron came from, how America viewed the players playing on the field at the time. The ISAF controls the organization by enforcing rules and Governing the

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