Definition And Nature Of Dreams

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Introduction Just as how people have different personalities, they also dream differently. Some dream in black and white while others dream in spectacularly vivid colors. Some even believe that they do not dream, but that is impossible, everybody dreams. We actually dream several dreams in a single night. From the day we are born till the day we die. Dreaming is the language your brain uses to communicate with you and analyze with you the processes occurring in your subconscious. Although the definition of dreams is clear, but the reason behind them remains a mystery. Most experts state that dreams are the body’s way of repairing and rejuvenating itself. Others believe that dreams have a more psychological purpose. That purpose is to reduce and relieve stress as well as to release pent up emotions. Researchers were not capable of studying the effects of dreams on mental performance and consequently, dreams were considered as the result of random neural activity. For that reason, my aim, in this paper, is to discuss the topic of dreams and provide interesting information. Definition and nature of dreams Some of the studies defined dreams as emotional images or ideas that happens in the dreamer’s mind during sleeping time (day or night). The purpose of these dreams is not understood, there is no convincing explanation that explains why should we dream during sleeping time. Though they have been a topic of religion and scientific interests. The question that comes to our mind with no answer is ‘’why do we dream?’’. Why can't we just pass our day or night without dreaming? What’s the reason behind our dreams? Dreams mostly happen during REM (Rapid-Eye Movement) sleep. We are more likely to remember our dreams during this phase. ... ... middle of paper ... ...if we cannot recall the dreams we had. The REM phase happens several times throughout the night, which means that the sleeper has between two to three dreams at night. Those who trained themselves to remember their dreams are more likely to remember specific details such as sounds, events and colors. Interpretation and content of dreams Most people believe that their dreams hides meaningful truths and that dreams and nightmares can show us some hidden thoughts. For example, people who are always scared of losing who they love are most likely to dream about death. There is evidence that certain medical conditions can impact dreams. For instance, some people with synesthesia have never reported entirely black-and-white dreaming, and often have a difficult time imagining the idea of dreaming in only black and white. The content of dreams may be as the following

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