Defending The Constitution Essay

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“Every right implies a responsibility; Every [sic.] opportunity, an obligation, Every [sic.] possession, a duty,” quoted by John D. Rockefeller, an American industrialist. Since America is a superpower, where else would this be more true? For the continuous success of the United States, it's important for all citizens to give back in some sort of way so our society can function. This calls for the use of our individual strengths to produce something we can all enjoy together. It's not just about the survival of America, but the innovation, and evolution of our country. One might ask how a common man of society could be able to give back without knowing what his talents might be. As with any society, if the people do not play a role, the society …show more content…

This was once best said by Samuel Adams, one of the founding fathers of America, who asserted that “The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending against all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks.” Protecting our Constitution can consist of physically defending via the military. Veterans have done a phenomenal job of this through numerous generations already. Defending the Constitution via verbal action is an extra. Supporting the Constitution can also protect it. For example, you do not have to necessarily respect anyone's opinion when it comes to free speech or even listen to that person, although, as once said by Bill Nye, the science guy, "Every person you will ever meet, knows something that you don't." Nonetheless, allowing someone to say their opinion reinforces the freedom of speech. Using the advantage to civically participate benefits America’s future as well as your own and the people around you. Taking the chance to vote is something that many people in the world can’t do. Neglecting your privileges to do so is deemed irresponsible, and rightfully so. By voting with an educated choice, you show responsibility as a citizen as you are taking care of a civic

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