Declaration Of Independence Research Paper

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The Declaration of Independence is the voice of the people who lived in the 13 Colonies that wanted to leave the British Crown. The Founding Fathers sat together and created this document that stated the Rights and the Liberties of the people and what was wrong in the Colonies. The Declaration of Independence spoke to King George III and said that the Colonies wanted Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and that as "Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, Conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce and to do all other Acts..." In the years from 1764 to 1775, King George III passed acts in the Colonies. Some of the most famous acts include, the Sugar Act (1764), the Quartering Act (1765), the Stamp Act (1765), the Townshend Acts (1767) and the Tea Act (1773). These Acts led to the Colonies boycotting many items and later, famous acts of rebellion such as The Boston Tea Party. The colonists wanted these Acts to be removed and they also wanted to be represented in British Parliament. The colonists created the slogan, "No Taxation without Representation" …show more content…

They wrote this document for King George III, for the British Parliament and the British Crown in general. It was meant for these people because they took away so many rights from the Colonists and the People wanted their own type of Government in place. They wanted to have a voice and an opinion when it came the making of laws. The Thirteen Colonies wanted a Government where their voice is heard and they wanted to tell the King that he is being deaf when it came to "...the voice of justice and consanguinity." There was no approval or constant when it came to laws or when it came to the Acts that were put into place. The King, to them, was, "...totally unworthy the Head of a civilized

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