Deathless Catherynne Valente Sparknotes

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What does it take to be deathless? Humans are always seeking a new way to prolong their lives. Whether it be through bitter vegetables like kale or dyeing gray hairs, we try to do anything to avoid the obvious signs of death even though it is inevitable. With life comes death. This avoidance plays into our human condition, which Catherynne Valente makes use of both personification and characterization to relay hunger is a sign of life while the color silver symbolizes death. For this to be properly executed, the nature of fairytales is drastically different here. Fairy tales usually follow a formula of newfound love and marriage, both parts of the human condition, but Deathless puts a twist to it all. To start, the main character Marya Morevna encounters her newfound love Koschei, the deathless, who seduces the young tsaritsa to his kingdom of war. During Marya’s growth she realizes that her husband doesn’t grow older, his skin doesn’t loosen nor does his vision get weakened which begins to anger her. The human condition as mentioned by C.Welch is “about the fundamental issues of human existence.”. When a demon can simply just rid himself of these fundamental issues it brings about the lack of life's significance. As Deathless portrays in the piece, but what does it mean to have death? …show more content…

The characterization of Viy who represents death in the story is draped in silver, his guards wear silver on their chest which is easily identified within the midst of war. Valente writes, “A long black strip ran down Skorohodnya Road. In the darkness, silver pricked like stars.” (Valente, pp.199). The text uses silver to symbolize death by signaling that the street was conquered by Viy in the death kingdom. Silver adorned on the chest instructed to the reader that this person belongs to the

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