Death With Dignity

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Cancer is a leading cause of death in the United States. Near 8.2 million people die of cancer each year. Is cancer going to be a continuing leading cause of death around the world in the near future. According to one of the world’s leading experts on cancer says,”An effective cure for all types of cancer could be just five to 10 years away.” Although no cure is currently available for cancer treatments are sometimes available. In some cases treatments are not available or effective so the only thing left for them is oncoming death. Forevermore, there are ways to keep people comfortable or speed up the process of death so they don’t have to suffer or have their family watch as they are in painl. So the problem of cancer with a prognosis of …show more content…

This process would enable people to use medicine to help advance the process of death. In Oregon 95% of the people that have access to the Death with Dignity Act use it. When you chose to use this act you will stop prolonging damage to yourself as the cancer increases to grow or spread. Furthermore Brittany Maynard had a prognosis of 6 months to live when she found out she had cancer. Although Brittany chose the death with dignity act she didn’t want to die. She just wanted her family not to see her in pain in her last few days or months. She chose Death with Dignity because it was really the only solution for her in her situation. Another possibility for a solution to fatal cancer with a prognosis of 6 months or less besides Death with Dignity is hospice care. A hospice aids the patient emotionally, medically, and spiritually when they are terminally ill. They help the patient relax and relieve pain from the patient. This is another alternative to cancer with a small prognosis window because they help the patient and their family cope with what is happening while aiding the patient from their suffering. To show comparison about 2.5 million people die in the us each year. Around 1.6 million people out of those deaths use hospice care. Most people that have the choice to have hospice care uses the opportunity because they make them comfortable in their amount of time left to

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