Death And Death Research Paper

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Death is a natural part of life that we all have to face one day. The way in which friends and love ones cope during this time is based on their culture or religious belief and their support system. Different religion or culture has different mourning customs which are unique to their own believes. For this project, three religious practices: Christianity, Muslim and Catholic were examined along with their own unique customs and believes. Despite the wide array of differences between each culture, they all believe in life after death and that there is a heaven and a hell. CHRISTIANITY Christians believes that once they have lived a holy and acceptable life, when they die they will go to heaven to be with God. On the other hand, if you lived an unrighteous life you will be seen as a sinner and if you die without repenting of your sin, then your afterlife will be spent in hell. In the eyes of the righteous, death is seen as a time of happiness because family and friends have the confidence that the decease is in a better place and if they too live an acceptable life they will see their love ones again. Death is also seen as a time of sadness because the decease will be missed by friends and loved ones. PREPARING While a person is on their deathbed, the pastor will prepare them for death. This is done through prayer and reconciliation. After the person has passed the pastor may visit the bereaved family to offer comfort and or assistance. He will help them cope with the death and if needed will also help in organizing the funeral. Also, friends will often send their sympathies in the form of cards and/or flowers to the deceased’s family. FUNERAL Unlike Muslims who believe only in burial, Christians has the choice of being burie... ... middle of paper ... ...h death than them talking to counselors or psychologists about their grief. This is so because they can talk about their loss in their own terms and on their own level. Rev. Lavender Kelley, a pediatric chaplain for Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago, spends much of her time helping children through various forms of grief, including the loss of loved ones. She explained that infants do not experience the same sense of loss that an adult does, because their brains are not fully developed. Since it is hard for infants to understand death as a permanent state, it is important to use concrete language. Kelley states that being vague or using metaphors to explain death will cause children to indulge in fantasy obsessing over something that will never change. One way in which you can help children deal with death is by listening and letting them ask questions.

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