Dear Mama Tupac Analysis

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Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words -Robert Frost. Rap is when emotion is expressed lyrically and musically, which conjures imagery. Robert Frost’s definition of poetry is not dissimilar to the essential idea of what makes up rap. Canonical poetry and rap both invoke emotion through their meaning and purpose and share poetic devices and language features. However, rap is considered as unequal to the timelessness, techniques and significance of canonical poetry. But today I will convince you that rap music should be considered classical and take a part in the evolving structure of the Western Literary Canon. Rap music such as ‘Dear Mama’ by Tupac has influenced people over time as its cultural significance …show more content…

Tupac makes effective use of poetic techniques such as connotation, alliteration, rhyme, consonance, metaphor, repetition and hyperbole to enhance the theme of affection towards his mother. The rhyme scheme of ‘Dear Mama’ is AA, BB, typical to rap songs as rhyme is an essential part of rap. Connotation is evident in Tupac’s lyrics which he uses to describe his relationship with his mother. For example, he uses ‘mama’ to connote closeness between him and his mother. The line, “He passed away and I didn’t cry, ‘cause my anger wouldn’t let me feel for a stranger”, uses stranger as a hyperbole to exaggerate the non-existent relationship with his father. Consonance and alliteration are utilised to create half-rhyme meaning through certain phrases. This is commonly used in canonical poetry. E.g. “Rise up—for you the flag is flung”. This technique is also used in ‘Dear Mama’. For example, “…big boys, breaking all the rules”. This verse’s alliteration portrays the pressure to reach their 'thug' standards at school. The use of metaphors in this text Is minimal however, it is significant to the rap. For instance, “And even as a crack fiend mama, You always was a black queen mama”. This phrase, especially the metaphor, expresses his disappointment in his mother’s crack addiction but at the same time also his admiration with the word ‘queen’, connoting her place in his heart above all others. One verse that is constantly repeated at the end of each stanza for emphasis. E.g. “There’s no way to pay you back, But my plan is to show you that I understand, You area appreciated”. This verse is an emphasis on how thankful Tupac is for everything his mother has done for him. His extensive and effective use of poetic features throughout ‘Dear Mama', verify that it should be considered a modern day

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