Dear America Movie Analysis

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As I watched the movie, Dear America, I learned more information about what it was like to go to war. There was a great amount of fear, and characteristics such as, bravery were required in war. Numerous people did not know what they were fighting for anymore, but they continued to fight for freedom. Some were sent home, but eventually the war ended in 1971. In A Rumor of War, Philip Caputo stated, “War is always attractive to young men who know nothing about it.” He was right. During the Vietnam war, thousands of men were sent there to fight, and as they arrived, they were expecting it to be exhilarating and that they would relish having the opportunity to be there. In the beginning, most of the soldiers’ attitudes are courageous, and fearless. They are not …show more content…

In daylight, it looks normal, but at night it is horrifying. They cannot believe how on one side of the country, there is peace, and on the other side horrific events like this are happening. Their attitudes change too, they begin to conceal their emotions, have fear, and become miserable. These attitudes were caused by being gone for so long, living a different lifestyle, and losing friends during the war. Being gone from family and friends, made them miss being loved. It took a lot of effort to continuously have hope that they would make it alive and come back to see their loved ones, because thousands of people died. So, when one of their friends fighting with them died, it was the worst, and they took it extremely hard. Therefore, letters sent to their loved ones changed by telling horrific stories that happened in Vietnam and they described all their emotions. Sending these letters to their loved ones allowed them to mourn. Lastly, soldiers who were fighting in the Vietnam war could not ask nothing else, but for recognition and support, because they are risking their lives to fight for the United States of

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