Dean Of Education Essay

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I would like to further my knowledge of becoming Dean of Education at a college or university. The role of a dean varies from one college to the next. Each college has its own set of responsibilities and ways of meeting the needs of the students and faculty. There are many duties that a dean performs each day some of which involve strategic thinking, risk management and being a good listener. A dean is often in the unfortunate liminal position of being no longer truly a professor but not completely an administrator, either (like the provost or president) and thus prone to role conflict and ambiguity.” P. 2. So you want to be a dean? The Chronicle of Higher Education. There are many and varied responsibilities of the Dean of the College of Education. Some of the specific responsibilities that deans carry out are: Provide leadership, Conduct and implement strategic planning, Manage and monitor college budgets, allocate and provide oversight of department budgets and programs, supervise marketing and public relations and recruitment activities of the college, coordinate the college’s website. Other important qualities are similar to that of a …show more content…

Of all the career paths to take, I never planned to be an administrator, but I am ready to take that step. I always knew I wanted to teach and after 10 years I am ready to explore another path. I would like something that would allow me to be innovative and creative, to always be learning something new, and so use my critical thinking skills. I would like the opportunity to be a problem-solver and be in charge of a large department where I would supervise, and develop educational policies and also plan functions of the college. “Deans must operate in an environment within which their authority is subject to ongoing challenge, making fortitude, perseverance, and humility important attributes for survival.” P.2. The Academic

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