Deaf Student Observation

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Moreover, we went to the restaurant to meet Deaf students. I saw five students waiting for us and we greed them. It was very nice to see Deaf Japanese students from Kyoto, not NTUT. Some students are from Kyoto University and some universities. We really enjoyed interacting with them using both ASL and JSL. Then the students were introducing themselves in the front of us. We were very happy to teach them how to use ASL and they were teaching us JSL too. After a few hours interacting with students and teachers, we waved goodbye them. We were on way back to the hotel to sleep for the last day of Kyoto. On the last day of Kyoto, some of us, including myself, woke up very early at 4 in the morning because we had to see the temple named Kiyomizu Temple. The tour guide said that it was a beautiful temple. Also, it was a good place for the tourists and Japanese citizens who usually exercise every morning walking around the …show more content…

Takeshita Street is an only street with fashion, cafes, and restaurants. It was very crowded and we had to squeeze through the crowd. After we finished walking in the Takeshita Street, we went go back to take the train to go to Shibuya. When we first heard the word, Shibuya, it means that we could see the statue of Hachiko when exit from the Shibuya Station. I was very excited to see Hachiko. We walked fast and exit from the station and searched for the statue of Hachiko. We finally found there and we took many photos of Hachiko. On the night of Tokyo, we went to the Deaf Japanese restaurant named Sign with Me. There was Deaf owner, Masahiro Yanagi, who owns this restaurant. Also, there are Deaf waiters and Deaf waitress who served us delicious food. Mr. Yanagi, introduced himself and explained how did he set up the restaurant in Tokyo. I was pleased to hear his

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