Dcf Research Papers

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The Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) is an organization that provides numerous services and programs to assist Florida families. The services and programs consist of Child Care, Access Florida (assistance program), children legal services, and many more. DCF provides a variety of public services to the people of Florida. Services such as childcare has become very expensive, this may be a valid reason for individuals to turn for assistance. The main purpose of DCF is to assist eligible families with either childcare costs, assistance with food and insurance benefits, or many other assistance through their programs and services. “Major reforms within the Florida child welfare agency were implemented in 1996, and included …show more content…

Governor Rick Scott worked to unanimously towards the improvement towards Florida’s child protection policy. The new law as written in response to a series of issues and deaths under the realm of the child welfare agency. In addition, the law states the welfare of the child is most valued and the rights of child is to be safe and protected. The implementation of the law has codified that the foremost goal of the Florida Department of Children and Families is to protect the best interest of the child. The law also requires DCF to improve their investigations involving the children. The law requires that DCF identifies what child or children has developmental issues and to provide services in order reduce the risk that children face if they are left with troubled parents. Thus, when the agency fails those individuals under its supervision, the law requires that the Florida Department of Children and Families be more accessible to outside …show more content…

S. Constitution, the federal government was assigned to specific things and had limited powers over most of the government functions. In actuality, most of power was left to the states to determine. In order to ensure that individuals understood the limit of federal power, the Constitution’s Tenth Amendment was added: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people”. In essence, the Tenth Amendment personified federalism. Subsequently, policymakers and the courts have discarded federalism in past years by undertaken various activities that are traditionally reserved to the states and private sectors. The grants-in aid was a key method that the federal government could extend its power into state and local affairs. For example, the grant program is a subsidies that is a part and package with federal regulations to micromanage the state and local activities. Therefore, the major federally aided programs are in areas such as housing, transportation, education, and health

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