Dbq French Revolution

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There have been many revolutions throughout history, such as The French Revolution where the unsatisfied wealthy commoners fought for equality and rights against the government. The ideas that the rebellious groups fought for came from an intellectual and philosophical movement during the 1700s called the Enlightenment. During the Enlightenment, the way a perfect government should function changed from an absolute monarch, to separated and equal governing powers, and that people must tolerate religious skepticism such as deism and/or secularity because all people deserve the right to say and believe whatever they want. Even though there are other factors, the three biggest and most common factors that cause revolutions are inequality, economic ruin, and a disapproved …show more content…

Before the revolution the social structure was three estates consisting of religious leaders at the top, nobles in the middle, and commoners at the bottom. The third estate had two groups, the poor, and the wealthy but not highborn. These wealthier commoners are referred to as bourgeoisie. Of course there was social inequality existing in the system, such as how only the third estate was obligated to pay taxes so high that they could not support themselves, they were also liable to paying tithes to the church, but that money was pocketed by the clergy. Another example of inequality before the Revolution was hunger. Bread at the time was the main source of food for the citizens of France, it was the king’s job to distribute it to his subjects. In order to make sure food is suitably rationed, the markets followed regulated prices and number they could sell per family. But the order fell apart and the regulation was destroyed allowing bread to be either too expensive, poor in quality, or out of stock. The richer citizens hoarded all the bread creating a starvation period among the poorer

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