Dbq Essay On The Enlightenment

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The Enlightenment Philosophes had one main idea. This essay will show what their main idea is. First will be some background. Philosophe is French for Philosopher. The Philosophes wanted to find out the natural law, truths if you will, that people do not always know. They were trying to find certain patterns in nature that could explain a phenomenon. Logic and reason were their two main tools to use in finding these natural laws. Because of this the Enlightenment Era can also be referred to the Age of Reason. Isaac Newton is one reason the Philosophes were trying to find the natural laws. Newton was a famous scientist who was able to discover the existence of gravity. He also discovered that this is the same force that holds the planets together. …show more content…

Locke also believed that if the government was failing to uphold their agreement to protect their rights, the people could create a new government. In Of the Dissolution of Government Locke say’s, “When the government is dissolved, the people are at liberty to provide for themselves, by erecting a new legislative, … for society can never … lose the native and original right it has to preserve itself…” (Document A). Here he is basically saying that if the government ends we, the people, can create a new governing body. This supports the Philosophes main idea of freedom for the …show more content…

Smith wanted the government to stay out of business and economy. He thought that the government could trust everyone to run his or her business. He supports this idea by saying in The Wealth of Nations, “Every man … is left perfectly free to pursue his own interest in his own way…” (Document C). Later in the document he goes on to mention, “He intends only his own gain, and he is in this … led by an invisible hand …” (Document C). He means that each business owner would only keep the business for his or her gain. Yet there is still an “invisible hand” or force that keeps everyone in check or

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