Dbq Essay On Students And Cell Phones

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Nowadays, adults all across the globe says kids and teenagers are “glued to their phones”. Which is true, in some part. But actually, students use their phones daily not just to play games or parade around social media. So do they really know that they’re benefits to using your phone? A better question, to what extent should students and parents set limits to the use of their smartphones and cell phones? With cell phones, we can communicate to people so much more, weather they’re across the world or just across the street. We can interact a lot more and even build up confidence to talk to them face to face, especially with social medias. “Every comment we post is a way for us to renew- on a tiny scale -our connection w/ our friends” (Doc 2) Plus, cell phones can help you in case of an emergency. Say you got hit by a car or broke your leg. If you had control, you could call 9-1-1 if someone already hasn’t. Or if you’re a bystander and witness a car crash. You can call 9-1-1 and save someone or multiple people. …show more content…

So in the process of getting from A to B, we’d theoretically find more places we haven’t seen before. “This is convenient if we’re looking for a restaurant or an ATM, but also means our phones can point us to places to explore we otherwise would’ve missed, such as a little-known nearby museum or historical site” (Doc 6) While we’re on traveling, with your cell phones, you can bring any book, movie, show, song or entire albums wherever you go, “They won’t add an ounce to your bags or your phone. Even if you’re not sure you’re gonna like a book, you might as well bring it along and give it a try” (Doc

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