Dawn Of The Dead And World War Dead

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Rising dead who regain their ability to move and have an unquenchable appetite for human flesh have been central characters in successful movies, books and serialized TV shows. Some of the most successful include Dawn of the Dead and World War Z. In World War Z, a pseudo-memoire novel by Max Brooks, several interviews take place in a post-war setting. Brooks perceives a satirical social commentary on consumerism through one of her story protagonists named Mary Jo Miller, an upper middle-class wife and mother of two children residing in Troy, Montana of U.S. This paper will criticize consumerism in an economic sense and how it relates to George Andrew Romero’s work -an American-Canadian film producer best known for his series of satirical horror films about zombie apocalypse- in the ways that his concerns about consumerism can be the most easily persuaded from his Dawn of the Dead. In Dawn of the Dead, a group of middle-class survivors make a stand in the mall and immediately kill and remove all the zombies in it in order to facilitate their way to shop. As addressed in Dead Man Stil...

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