David Wallace

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I completely agree with David Wallace about how people always consider themselves as the center of everything. I used to think like that all the time when I was in middle school and freshman in high school when I moved to US. Back when I moved here I always thought that god was giving me all the problems because I didn’t know any English and it was hard time for me and everyday it was just miserable. But later, all of a sudden I realized that I’m very lucky to at least be alive and there are others out there who are dying or losing loved ones because of cancer, tumor or some deadly disease. Well again we all are human being and we’re selfish one way or another and put our problems first. I always put our problems above the world. This may seem harsh to people but the truth is that we’re so deepened in our life and our problems that we can’t see how big problems other people have or how this world is dying by pollution. I always think that I am the center of the world when the truth is that I’m not in fact none of us are. Before I never tried to put myself in other person’s shoe. It’s hard. But then I tried to think that why …show more content…

When you’re in checkout line or in traffic when going back you think that everyone is in your way and you’re annoyed and miserable because that’s our default setting. I don’t think that the person who’s overtaking all the cars might be having emergency at home like his wife got a heart attack or maybe he has to go to hospital because his kid is dying. I don’t think like that after coming from work because I’m so exhausted and that’s default setting but now onwards I try to think from other people’s perspective to make world a better and loving place. Therefore, now I try to think differently and try not to judge someone immediately with my default setting mind. I consider other scenarios too and try to avoid default setting come in my

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