David Lynch's Eraserhead: The Challenges Of Parenting

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David Lynch’s intentions in presenting the movie, Eraserhead, portrays the challenges of parenting and the stresses presented when relationships are formed into a nuclear family. These challenges are parenting, forced marriage, postpartum depression, mental instability, and having to parent a child cursed with severe deformities. The main character’s name is Henry who resides in a tiny slum apartment. Next to Henry’s bed hangs a small picture on the wall of a nuclear bomb with a mushroom cloud hanging over the site of the explosion. This could bear the meaning of those born or raised during a nuclear fallout who were exposed to radiation. This could have contributed as to why the child was born with severe deformities. Whereas taking into account the mental instability that Henry and Mary (along with her parents) seem to possess is considered into the equation.

When confronted with Mary’s unplanned pregnancy, Henry seems to have no problem taking her …show more content…

He perceives the lady in the radiator as representing a better life for him that right now is unachievable. He then begins to fantasize about the ‘girl next door`. He is infatuated with her, but during his erotic fantasy, all she sees is a deformed baby when looking at him. He feels trapped in his apartment when Mary leaves and the baby is stopping him from leaving as well. His guilt is exasperated every time he opens the door to leave, the baby cries out. He no longer attempts to leave his apartment. Feeling like he is losing his mind, he envisions his head being severed from his body (as his baby’s head sprouts to replace it). Henry’s head is tossed out the window where a boy picks it up and brings it to a man who makes erasers for pencils. This symbolizes his mind being replaced with any rational thoughts and are gone with the swipe of a hand. His whole being is now erased and replaced by the

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