David Berkowitz Who's To Blame

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David Berkowitz most famously known by Son Of Sam was a gruesome serial killer in the late seventies. David Berkowitz’s birth name was Richard David Falco. At a young age Berkowitz was given up for adoption by his birth mother where he was then adopted by Nathan and Pearl Berkowitz. When Berkowitz was a teenager his adoptive mother, Pearl Berkowitz passed away which ultimately led to Berkowitz becoming extremely depressed. Berkowitz lived in New York and worked in the post office, he was shy, quiet, and anti-social. This made it easy for him to be unsuspected. David Berkowitz’s activities leading to the murders were setting around 1,488 fires in New York City and kept a diary of each one. His first kill was in 1975 on Christmas Eve when he stabbed a girl to death, this was the incident that gave him the thrill of killing and the need to kill again. It was discovered that he had murdered six people and wounded seven from 1976-1977. David Berkowitz first victims were Donna Lauria and Jody Valenti, the two were shot at when sitting in a car Lauria was killed while Valenti was only injured. His next victims were Rosemary Keenan and Carl Denaro, Denaro was shot in the head and for two months he was …show more content…

Corso, William Kapelman, and Nicholas Tsoucalas. The verdict came in on June 12, 1978. David Berkowitz the “Son Of Sam” was found guilty. Six life sentences in prison for the killings, which makes his maximum term 365 years and is to be served in Attica Correctional Facility. The status of David Berkowitz now is he’s still living in prison and became a “born again Christian”. Also since his first parole hearing happened on July 9th, 2002 he has not gone to another hearing since because “after a lot of soul searching and a lot of praying I just decided it would be best to just come and face you and apologize. I'm not seeking parole. I don't feel that I deserve parole" said

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