Date Rape Speech

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“I am standing in the hallway looking out the window for my ride home. I turn around and my suitcase is gone; Joe and Bill from down the hall are laughing as they carry it away. I follow them. I hear a door lock behind me. They let go of my suitcase and grab me. I am lying on the bare linoleum floor of Joe's bedroom. In the room are a group of Lambda Chi and KDR pledges who live on my hall; several of them are football players. Some are sitting on the bed, laughing. Two others are pinning my arms and my legs to the floor. Joe is touching me while the others cheer. I am a friendly fellow-classmate as I reasonably explain that I'm in a rush to catch a ride, that I'm not in the mood to joke around; that I'd really like them to please cut it out. …show more content…

Although they have the same characteristics such as being forced to have sex without consent, date rape is rape committed by someone with whom the victim has gone on a date with. Not in all cases, but most date rape cases drugs are used. The most common drugs that can be used within date rape incidences are Rohypnol or roofies, GHB or cherry meth, and Ketamine. “GHB, rohypnol and ketamine have become known as "date rape drugs" or "predatory drugs" because they are used to incapacitate someone for the purposes of committing a crime, often sexual assault” (Date Rape Drugs). This says that these drugs are known as date rape drugs because they are specifically used for sexual assault. “These drugs can be mixed in to drinks and are almost impossible to detect, especially in dark-colored drinks such as cola or dark beer, or in a dark room” (New, Michelle). This means that rapists have an advantage and are able to drug their dates without them knowing. These maybe the most common drugs that are used during date rapes, but a number one result from date rape is the drinking of alcohol. “90% of all campus rapes occur when alcohol has been used by either the assailant or the victim” (Date Rape Drugs).This shows that almost all date rape incidents are associated with being intoxicated. Being under the influence and not being able to make good decisions is why date rape rates are

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