Darnay's Sense Of Duty To Lucie

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This book employs the sense of duty as its topic. The author employs examples like Lucies sense of duty to Darnay while he was in jail, also Cartons sense of duty to Lucie, and Ms. Pross sense of duty which drove her to confront Madame Defarge.
This so called "sense of duty" its actually love.Lucie stuck by her dads side when he got out of jail, and she went to see Darnay while he was in jail because she loved them, not because she felt obligated to, it was not her duty to take care of her dad or go see Darnay in jail. It was not Cartons duty to give up his life to save Darnay, he did it because he loved Lucie and although she didn’t feel the same way about him, he never stopped loving her, her hapiness was further important to him than his

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