Dark Stormy Night

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Dark Stormy Night It was a dark and stormy night. The rain came down in torrents,

soaking the solitary man to the skin. He stood alone, silent, still

enveloped by the black of the night.

Had the sun been shining, this lonely man would have seen the flat

green fields surrounding him and far in the distance a house stood, as

solitary as the man. Yet the dark limited the man's vision so the

house vanished.

Suddenly the man's eyes snapped open. The look on his face was one of

absolute horror as if he had no recollection of his coming to this

place. He turned in a circle, taking in his surroundings and as he

did, he felt something small and sharp touch his right leg. He ran his

hand over his calf and felt nothing.

As if to find a clue about why he was in this place, he glanced down

at his clothes. Striped pyjamas clung to his legs and arms with the

rain and the mud squelched between his bare toes.

Something made a buzzing sound close to the man's ear. He swatted

around his head, but the buzzing still persisted.

What is it? He though. The buzzing became louder yet it seemed further

away as if…..that's it! He realised suddenly. The buzzing is in my

head! As this though crossed his mind, terror crossed his face. The

terror turned to anger as he hit himself over the head, hoping to

dispel the unknown buzzing. One thought, and one thought only crossed

his mind. Get it out. Over and over he heard these words, infuriating

him but yet he listened.

Like a man possessed, he put both hands to his head and shook it, but

still the continuous high pitched buzzing still rang through his

skull. He clawed at his face, his nails leaving trails of blood in his

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