Dark Ages Benefits

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“During the Dark Ages, people were tourists because of their religion, whereas now they are tourists because tourism is their religion.” This quote is referring to the Crusades. The Dark Ages is considered so considered so because they considered it a time where not much happened. I believe that the Dark Ages does not deserve to be called so because many things happened during the time. The Dark Ages got its name because little was known about the time before The Renaissance. Historians today only call it Dark Ages because information about it is still very limited. During 1883, the American Cyclopedia called the Dark Ages a time where everyone was intellectual and barbaric. In fact, they considered the people during the time to have the worst “intellectual depression” in European history. It represents how they originally thought the Dark Ages were like instead of the new meaning. Modern studies have now shown that there was a lot going on in the Arts and literature. During this time, the Magna Carta was written and signed. This limited the power of the king and he had to earn approval by the lords before he could make a decision. It also made it so a law can only be passed if it doesn’t go against the Magna Carta. It also implies religion by helping with giving the Church full rights that allows …show more content…

The stories say that she claimed to be told by God to drive out the English. With that, she led her army into victory. Her success gave France a national identity and she is now a symbol for her country. The painting in the picture shows how art did not diminish during the “Dark Ages”. It also shows her as a religious and political figure. You can see that they use Green and Roman ideas in the picture by the style. You can see it by how they detail her face that it has Roman input and the coloring is more of a Roman style. This shows that they continue to put Greek and Roman ideas into their

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