Danny Saunders In The Chosen, By Chaim Potok

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The Chosen first became published in 1967, by author Chaim Potok. A Jewish rabbi himself, Potok gave readers a view of the life of two teenage jewish boys, both with very different fathers. Reuven Malter and Danny Saunders meet while playing against each other in a baseball game. Though the two teens did not immediately like each other, they both became good friends, despite their differences. As a Hasidic Jew, Danny lived a very strict lifestyle and did not maintain a good relationship with his father, Reb Saunders. Throughout The Chosen, Danny displayed many qualities that shaped him as a character. Danny Saunders possessed great intelligence and determination, as well as kindness. Danny Saunders possessed great intelligence with his unbelievable mind that astounded many. He had a photographic memory and hungered for knowledge, reading almost a dozen books a week. Furthermore, Danny would study Talmud for hours and then engage in a complicated, heated discussion with his father; the boy was constantly studying. He possessed a rare, brilliant mind, capable of great feats. While telling Reuven about Danny, Mr. Malter told his son, “You are a brilliant student. I tell you that now very proudly. But he is a phenomenon. Once in a generation is …show more content…

Despite his brilliant mind, not everything came easily to Danny, so he challenged himself. Danny began to learn German for the purpose of reading Freud, the father of psychoanalysis. Danny expressed great frustration over his reading of Freud but continued to read. His determination paid off when he finally discovered a method of understanding Freud’s writing. “He had worked out a method of doing Freud, he said, and seemed to be going all right so far.” (pg. 179) Because Danny was determined to learn Freud, he did not discontinue reading out of frustration, but worked out the issues and proceeded. Danny’s brilliant mind had no limitations because of his

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