Daniel Keyes Flowers For Algernon

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If you had the choice to become more intelligent (imagine you are not intelligent) would you take the risk? It’s only brain surgery some may say! In the story, “Flowers for Algernon” by Daniel Keyes, Charlie Gordon takes the risk with the brain surgery. In my opinion, I would say no, Charlie should not of had the operation. There are many reasons I say no too. One reason, I say is the main reason why Charlie should not have had the operation, is it didn’t even work! Charlie did get more intelligent, yes, but how long did it last? One maybe two months? Do you know how much it probably hurt to realize you were becoming “dumber”? Charlie said, “Its a good feeling to know things and be smart.”(Keyes, 85) Charlie said it felt good to be smart, …show more content…

If Charlie had decided not to do the operation, he wouldn’t of met Algernon, the mouse he had worked with, which in turn wouldn’t have hurt him so bad when Algernon passed away. Algernon was his only best friend, he had almost no other friends, and then he passed away, which made everything worse! Again, no operation, no one gets hurt (besides Algernon). My final reason is Charlie decided to become weak again at the end. He says, “Its easy to make frends if you let pepul laff at you,” (Keyes, 86). Isn’t that awful! Let people laugh at you, and then you will have friends. Those aren’t friends if they are laughing at you, but Charlie thinks so, all because of that operation! Charlie was so dependable before hand, he could be counted on! During the operation, Charlie was too busy for anything, all the people that actually liked him saw that, and it changed their minds about him. Charlie was such a great person, and that operation had taken away his friends, new and old. The bad part is, it didn’t even work. It didn’t make him more intelligent, and it took away his true friends. Charlie shouldn’t have had this operation, it might have even ruined his life. He moved away from everyone he loved. This operation did ruin his life, as a matter of fact. Charlie didn’t get what he deserved at

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