Dana Schutz's Emmett Till At The Witney Biennial

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In the articles about the Dana Schutz’s painting of Emmett Till at the Witney Biennial,many of the discussions has pondering upon whether or not can white artists depict or take up black sufferings as a subject matter, and others questioned the rights of ethnical appropriation and censorships on sensitive topics.George Baker, Aruna D’Souza, and Josephine Livingstone and Lovia Gyarkye in The Case Against Dana Schuta, have all pointed out that Schutz’s painting is not a thoughtful commentary on its subject matter. That Schutz failed to demonstrate her empathy and respect to the victim and the victim’s family according to how the formal instructive, fragmented, and disfigurative qualities of the painting. Dana Schutz is heavily criticized for

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