Daisy Miller Research Paper

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love, romance and sex plays a huge role in modern literature
Love, romance and sex are three themes that coincide with progression and destruction of relationships throughout the course of English literature and in reality. Love is a reoccurring theme that is present in almost every story. Themes of love and relationships generate emotional differences that can lead to either a happy ending, a bittersweet or sad ending.
In Daisy Miller, we are introduced to a young, beautiful, wealthy girl from New York. As we got to know her more and more, we can see that she very independent and a little shallow. Daisy is flirtatious and she likes the idea of being the center of attention and manipulating men. Due to her manipulation tactics and different social backgrounds, Daisy and Winterbourne are attracted to each other but they are never fully able to establish a real relationship. The relationship that they had was not based on love but mainly fascination on Winterbournes’ part. As Winterbourne got to know her, he realized that she is innocent in regards to sexual acts but not innocent in the way she carries herself around men. Daisy said “I’ve always has a great deal of gentleman society”. Now many people would describe Daisy as a player or too promiscuous but …show more content…

It is mainly a story about a boy’s first love and how he channels it. Mangan’s sister wants something materialistic in exchange for something else. Towards the end of the novel, we notice that their “relationship” isn’t built off anything except his own fantasies. Now, this sounds creepy but I know that he is just channeling his feelings and he doesn’t know how to connect his emotional feeling to his physical feelings. These feelings are from a young boy; the same thing happens with older men. They think with their physical aspects as opposed to their brains and they act on

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