Daily Life Of A Prisoner Essay

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The life of a prisoner was tough. The life of a prisoner was harsh. They had no respect. I think I could’ve survived a day living in a concentration camp. Do you think you could? This passage is about the daily life of a prisoner in a concentration camp. This is your chance for you to read the struggle.

The SS guards woke up the prisoners. The SS guards were short for Schutzstaffel. (History.com Staff) These guards started out as guards for Adolf Hitler and other Party Leaders. Then they were made police officers. It finally came down to them being concentration camp guards. Although you had SS guards some guards weren't. They were known as Kapos. (Gary M. Grobman) Kapos are prisoners that had been chosen by the Nazi´s. They help to keep the prisoners in order but that doesn’t mean they got out of the normal daily routine. You were still a prisoner. They get up and put their shoes on and …show more content…

They are given the same watery soup that they received at lunch. When dinner is over the prisoners return to their barracks. A barrack was a room with beds for a mass number of people. The prisoners slept on straw beds. There were five prisoners to a bunk with just one blanket. The barrack is not heated. If one prisoner moves all five have to move in the same direction. It goes in the same cycle the next day. (Extract from the trial of Anton Kaindl, former commandant of Sachsenhausen Death Camp)

So the life of a Jew or prisoner had a very rough life living in a concentration camp. Could you imagine the pain that the guards went through? They had to watch people die and suffer. But they didn´t know what was going on at the time so they just done it so they could be paid. But this topic has taught me a lot about what the jews and other religious groups had to go through. So the Jews and other groups went through a lot but this was a huge time in history but I am very glad that I could be apart of the

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