Cytoskeleton Essay

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The cytoskeleton is a highly dynamic intracellular platform constituted by a three-dimensional network of proteins responsible for key cellular roles as structure and shape, cell growth and development, and offering to the cell with "motility" that being the ability of the entire cell to move and for material to be moved within the cell in a regulated fashion (vesicle trafficking)’, (intechopen 2017). The cytoskeleton is made of microtubules, filaments, and fibres - they give the cytoplasm physical support. Michael Kent, (2000) describes the cytoskeleton as the ‘internal framework’, this is because it shapes the cell and provides support to cellular extensions – such as microvilli. In some cells it is used in intracellular transport. Since the shape of the cell is constantly changing, the microtubules will also change, they will readjust and reassemble to fit the needs of the cell. …show more content…

The cytoskeleton is made up of three different types of filaments, actin filaments, intermediate filaments and microtubules. Actin filaments are the thinnest, they are also known as microfilaments. They create a band under the plasma membrane, this gives strength to the cell and links transmembrane proteins such as cell surface receptors to cytoplasmic proteins. Intermediate filaments include keratins, lamins, neurofilaments and vimentins. Keratins form hooves, horns and hair and are found in epithelial cells. Lamins form a type of mesh that ‘stabilizes the inner membrane of the nuclear envelope’ (Biology Pages). Neurofilaments bring strength to the axons of neurons and vimentins provide mechanical support to cells – particularly muscles. The cytoskeleton is also involved in cell

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