Cynthia Obaigwa

392 Words1 Page

For the general survey, I have interviewed my classmate, Cynthia Obaigwa. Her height is 5’3 feet, which is equivalent to 63 inches. Her weight is 107lbs or approximately 49 kg. The vital signs are T 37C, P 70, R18, BP 106/68. Cynthia is a 25 years old female student who appears to be her stated age. Her sexual development is appropriate for her gender and age. During the interview, she was alert and oriented. She was able to listen to my questions and responded properly. Her skin color is appropriate for her race. The skin was even and intact, with no obvious lesions. The facial features I observed were symmetric with movement. There were no signs of acute distress. The height appeared within normal range for her age. Her weight also appeared

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