Cyborg Research Papers

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“On my honor, I do attest that all material contained herein is my own work and no part has knowingly been duplicated from another source without proper citation.”
Devon Premsook
How are drugs turning us into Cyborgs
What does it mean to be a cyborg? A cyborg is a being that is both organic and inorganic. Cyborg embodiment can refer to anything that uses technology or biological changes a being. Referring to humans, it is the use of technology for which it enhances or improves one’s normal functions. This term “cyborg” was created by Manfred Clynes and it is a combination of the two words cybernetic and organism . When most people hear the term cyborg the first thing that comes to mind is part robot and part human. This is true in a way, but there is more to it than just artificial enhancements. In society majority of our elders and even younger people use this thing we call medicine in their day to day lives. Each type of medicine has different effects on the body and the user taking it. But by taking these types of body altering substances are we making a cyborg out of ourselves? The reason why drugs or medicine is not considered a way of cyborgification is because it fits into our social standards. It is normal to just pop a pill when you feel sick, but we actually do not realize how it changes our bodies. Being a cyborg is more than just having artificial mechanical parts; you can consider medicine and the use of any other drug as a way of becoming part cyborg. The use of medicine is scientifically engineered, in which it treats diseases and aids in enhancements. We use technology to change our biology, in which we enhance our mental and physical capabilities. People may think that a “cyborg” is something of a physical ap...

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... or bad thing but it makes everyone different. In the future it may be possible that it is normal to be a cyborg and not normal to be just a human. Since a cyborg is considered to be a substance that is organic and inorganic, once a drug has been absorbed into a body, that body is no longer organic or is it? Everyone has their opinions, but the side effects from each drug either positively or negatively changes a person. Whether a drug is addictive or not by changing the mindset and entering a higher feeling it makes a person feel more advanced physically and mentally. One main definition of being a cyborg is to become more advanced than you were before, which is exactly what some drugs tend to due. Cyborg embodiment is found in everything we do and not only in medicine. As society progresses, the use of drugs and technology will grow much closer than we expected.

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