Cyberbullying In Canada

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Although there should never be a reason, or in that matter an excuse for cyberbullying, it seems to be that there are certain factors which victims commonly share. Statistics show that one’s sexual orientation and past life events, and online distribution of stolen nude photographs are often the causes of cyberbullying. Approximately 17% of Canada’s youth (ages from 15 to 29) have been the victims of cyberbullying. (Assam) Out of those victims, one-third claimed to be a member of the LGBTQ+ community, and about 31% have previously experienced physical and/or sexual assault before the age of 15. (Assam) Hence, it is not so surprising when outing was found to be one of the most frequent forms of cyberbullying. Additionally, in the recent years, the striking increase in numbers of reported cases of illegally distributed nude photographs all over Canada has positively correlated to reported cyberbullying. (McKenna) The reported cases have been a larger issue in more …show more content…

As its definition suggests--“any behaviour performed through electronic or digital media by individuals or groups that repeatedly communicates hostile or aggressive messages intended to inflict harm or discomfort on others”. (King)--the suffering of victims can be immense. Numerous findings have proved the clear existence of the correlation between the victims of Cyberbullying and the increased levels of anxiety, emotional distress, depression, substance use and suicidal behaviour; as well as decreased levels of concentration, attendance, grades and self-esteem. (King) Despite the government’s involvement-- as of 2014, the new anti-cyber intimidation law allowed up to five years in prison for online distribution of photos without consent--people (especially minors) tend to blame themselves and retaliate via negative methods rather than positive to resolve the issue. Victims often commit self harm and put themselves into isolation.

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