Cushing's Disease

620 Words2 Pages

Sometimes people gain weight as a symptom of acute disease or due to another existing disease. Here are some disease which contribute obesity directly or indirectly. First, Hypothyroidism is a condition where thyroid release too little hormones than normal, which cause slow metabolism rate in our body and often causes weight gain. Second, Cushing’s syndrome is other condition where adrenal glands produce an excessive amount of steroid hormone called ‘cortisol’ which results to add fat in different site of body such as face, upper back and abdomen. Lastly, psychological condition like depression and anxiety make some people over eat and consume high calories diet then the body requires. As well as few drugs, which counter obesity as a side effect are like corticosteroids, antidepressant, antipsychotic and some birth control pills. …show more content…

In addition, unable to cope with that feelings leads to anxiety and depression which directly affect person health and life style. Obese person usually hesitate to come outdoor and be socialize, even if they want to, in fear of discrimination and feeling uncomfortable to do the adequate exercise, they just stay inside. A normal weight sets the stage of bone, muscles, brain, heart, lung and others to play their role smoothly and efficiently in their place for years. Obesity diminishes almost every aspect of health from circulation and respiration function to nervous system and memory. Obesity increases the risk of many debilitating and serious chronic

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