Cursive Writing Argumentative Essay

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Cursive Writing has been around for decades. Thus removing it from common core standards of learning, has caused quite controversey. I personally was taught cursive writing as a child and I practically never write in cursive. Therefore I don't think it should be listed in schools common core of standards. Reason one being we don't nearly rely on writing, let alone cursive writing as much as we used to. Also with advanced technology thats among us today we don't need cursive. We should be more concerned of what computer skills students have. With that being said another reason cursive shouldn't be in the common core standard, is cursive holds no beneficiary to students now days. Technology has evolved and so have we. Writing with pen or pencil on a piece of paper …show more content…

Focusing on cursive writing becoming a common core standard is a waste of time as technology is growing and is becoming more common. Let's focus on good ways to improve writing within the technology that we use. After all its just becoming a more popular way of the way we write today. Learning how to use a computer now days is more beneficial than learning cursive writing. What benefits does cursive writing hold, if students were to learn? Phsycologists found that if students hand write vs. type they remember better what was wriiten down. Well who said you need to know cursive to hand write? There is something called fine print, and we use that everyday of our lives. You just don't need cursive anymore. That is why it should never be required. In conclusion, Cursive writing is very well out dated. We use technology now more than ever. Maybe a new common core standard should be computer skills. As cursive writing holds no benefits to students. The truth comes out, cursive writing has essentially disapeared. So why ever bring it

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